Leeds Mental Wellbeing Service (LMWS)

The Leeds Mental Wellbeing Service provides psychological therapy and support for common mental health problems, such as anxiety and depression.

They offer a range of psychological treatments including workshops, group classes, one-to-one sessions and a range of online support options.

Their treatments are available for those aged 17 and over, and who are registered with a Leeds GP.

This is a link to the website that outlines what LMWS can offer:


There are also various on-line courses which can be accessed without an assessment. These include the 4 week ‘Coping with COVID-19 Course’ which provides the skills to help people manage the impact that COVID-19 may be having on their lives.

The service also offers on-line self-help video courses:

  • Panic Attacks
  • Stress and Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Postnatal Depression
  • Managing Stress in Parenthood
  • Understanding Self-Esteem
  • Bereavement.

Patients not registered in the Leeds area may consider contacting their G.P. for contact details to their local Long Covid support service. Follow onto the next page for various links to other free resources.