Development of the C19-YRS telephone screening tool (Sivan et al ACNR 2020)

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Assessing long-term rehabilitation needs in COVID-19 survivors using a telephone screening tool (C19-YRS tool)

A multidisciplinary team of rehabilitation professionals came together to tackle this important issue of following up COVID-19 patients after hospital discharge. As face-face appointments were deemed risky due to lockdown measures, there was a need for virtual assessment of these patients. A telephone screening scale was developed based on staff experience of managing these patients and knowledge from our systematic review of previous outbreaks. A consensus method was used to decide on the final questions of the scale. The scale was kept balanced in terms of questions spanning all aspects of the 2001 WHO International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) framework.

Sivan et al. ACNR June 2020. Assessing long-term rehabilitation needs in COVID-19 survivors using a telephone screening tool (C19-YRS tool). Published under a Creative Commons license